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- «s6=166,227,181»
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- «c2»«ac»BACK TO SCHOOL«»
- «»
- «c1»By Krabob/Mankind«»
- «»
- «as»«c6»A quick help for those coders who still don't know how to use the OS.«»
- «»
- «c7»If there are some Asm coders that don't even know how a ".library" shared
- library works,
- (I know there are:I was one for a long time.) I'd like to say them that it's
- easy and clear to use: I can tell you quicly that:«»
- «»
- each ".library" in LIBS: and in the roms, contains «c6»many system functions.
- «c7»To use a library, you must open it at the start , end close it before you quit
- your program.«»
- «»
- to open a library, you must only know its name and the minimal number
- version needed.
- the opening give you the "base" of it: The pointer where it begins.
- Keep it. Then put it in a6.
- By knowing the «c6»"offset" «c7»of a function in a library, you can throw a function
- with jsr (JumpSubRoutine) you can pass parameters in and out, with the
- registers designed by the function. (see the library autodoc for the description!)
- the files in the directory "include:" contains all the offset needed, and also
- macro and system tags, which make the «c6»source very clear.
- «c7»that example shut all screens: (and reset aga register too.)«»
- «»
- «al» «c6»include "include:graphics/graphics_lib.i" «»
- ...«»
- move.l Gfxbase,a6«»
- ;get graphics.library Base previously opened.«»
- move.l #0,a0«»
- ;parameter=0.«»
- jsr _LVOLoadView(a6)«»
- ; what jammie should do at start :-)«»
- ;Throw graphics.library/Loadview«»
- «as»«»
- «c7»The exec.library is the first opened library at hard boot, and can't be closed:
- you can get its base from the absolute 4bytes address "4.l" (execbase)
- it contains the «c6»functions to open and close other libraries.«»
- «»
- «c7»A last thing:
- Some documentation named the «c6»"Autodocs" «c7»contains the list of all function
- of all standard library. A .library should always come with its ".i" too.
- Ahhh... the best is always to get a code example and make it work.«»
- «»
- «c6»Please notice that this article actually was written for D.I.S.C. #11, but
- due to some mistakes we forget to include it. Apologize to Krabob!«»
- «»
- «e»